"E pluribus unum"

Happy Birthday America!
"Heaven and Earth never agreed better to frame a place for man's habitation."
-- Jamestown founder John Smith, 1607
Ever since I have moved to the United states of America, I have conciously tried to read and understand the history of this nation I call home. It is home away from home. Moving out of your mother land is never an easy task. But, there comes a time in your career, when you decide to set up base in a different country. The culture, social gatherings, friends, favorite hangout places, food....nothing stays the same!
I have always admired and respected this great nation. It's ability to be a melting pot of so many cultures and nationalities for over 3 centuries. No nation, in my belief, has ever let immigrants succeed as this country. Pioneers in not only technology and science, but space research, nano-technology, languages, arts, literature, architecture, engineering, the list is endless. This nation truly stands on its ability to innovate and in the belief that those who can contribute have a place to stay in this world and succeed.
"Heaven and Earth never agreed better to frame a place for man's habitation."
-- Jamestown founder John Smith, 1607
Ever since I have moved to the United states of America, I have conciously tried to read and understand the history of this nation I call home. It is home away from home. Moving out of your mother land is never an easy task. But, there comes a time in your career, when you decide to set up base in a different country. The culture, social gatherings, friends, favorite hangout places, food....nothing stays the same!
I have always admired and respected this great nation. It's ability to be a melting pot of so many cultures and nationalities for over 3 centuries. No nation, in my belief, has ever let immigrants succeed as this country. Pioneers in not only technology and science, but space research, nano-technology, languages, arts, literature, architecture, engineering, the list is endless. This nation truly stands on its ability to innovate and in the belief that those who can contribute have a place to stay in this world and succeed.
Times may change, politicians debate new policies but that does not stop this nation and its people from accepting new neighbours and giving them equal opportunities. I truly admire the fact that civil liberties, social justice, human rights all find its rightful place in society. There may exist inequality, injustice. health care may not be at its best, foriegn policies maynot agree with everyone's interest, but never has this nation detered its citizen's from seeking the truth and speak and express what they believe in.
Trading loyalties in never the easy. I have always believed that one should hold the most respect to the nation that helps win bread and bring food to the table. The analogy of loyalties can be made while discussing relationships between that of a mother and a wife. You being a new journey as you carry memories of the other and revisit them ever so often.
But today I celebrate a nation called america, and forever, I remain indebt and grateful.
It is refreshing to read this post in this time of nationalism, chauvinism, jingoism :)
Indebted and grateful, Yes that is the feeling Uncle Sam wants you to have.. In your motherland the feeling to have is pride and contentment..
see the difference..
do you celebrate India on August 15 ? we come here not because of a love for america but to escape the rat race in india.
Rao: Yes that is the feeling Uncle Sam wants you to have
I cannot teach someone to be greatful!
The earliest immigrants to this nation "escaped" religious prosecution in europe, italians came, jews during and after WWII, chinese were brought to help on the rail road, and since the 60's -90's skilled indian workers, students.
If it was just a question of escaping the rat race, why didnt you move to singapore, australia, germany, russia, UK, canada..Sit and think about what made you chooose to come here and what make these people accept you into their society and what makes america. America is more than just geo politics, india is more than just a rat race!
PS: I do take as much pride in being an indian as i do living in america...and yes, we do celebrate the indian independence day.
I applaud you for the post. I does take courage to say what you said. I agree with you. I love my motherland but I also love the country that gave me a job and giving my salary. But when I say that people seem to think I am a traitor!
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