I buzzed someone earlier today asking about their opinion on my blog.
Response : it is too philosophical..Seems like you have lot to write, you should voice some political opinions.
Me : Political opinion huh? My opinion on current affairs? Why are they important? Who wants to know what is my opinion on what is going on in the political scene in india, srilanka, iraq, or elsewhere? Who cares...
Response : I voice my opinion to create awareness!
I think to myself, aren't we all aware of what is going on around the world. Who gives a shit! People who are affected give a shit!
Wrong!! people who are weak get affected by that shit. They buy into it and are subject to taking more of it. The intelligent, influential, the people who want to survive; Escape!
It is commendable that we choose to voice the plight of those who suffer in the name of the state, ethinic cleansing, civil war etc. What way does that stop violations against humanity?
Who eventually suffers?
It is just another name on some newspaper that suffered that day. The reason he/she suffered was because he/she didn't have the resources you had to escape the same situation. That is the truth!
What do I do with this awareness? What have you done with your awareness? Make more people aware and done what??Am I not aware that back in the 1954, Standard Oil, a company owned by Rockefeller learnt about Oil Deposits in Vietnam. Am I not aware that the reason, the warlords were placed in afghanistan to place an oil pipeline from tajikistan into pakistan. Can I not see the reason why the united states which talks about bringing democracy around the world never bothered to do anything in Tinnamen Square in 1989. Am I not aware of the fact that the reason Norway is interested in peace talks in SriLanka is because NATO wants a permanent base in the Indian Ocean to "foresee" the rise of two powers in the subcontinent.Am I not aware that this nation looks at war as a way to revive economy. Am I not aware that the UN-sanctioned war in the Balkans was all about oil and the pipeline easement for Caspian Sea oil to Western European markets through Kosovo to the Mediterranean Sea.
I am a hypocrite! That's what I am aware of!
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was aware of how apartheid existed. Dr.Martin Luther King knew of the plight of the Blacks in this country, Chairman Mao Zedong was aware of the state of the peasants in China in the 1950's, Lenin,Ho Chi Minh were all aware. They had opportunities to grow if they pursued their personal goals. Yet, they stand as pillars in history because they took that awareness, created knowledge and rebelled for a cause. The cause of justice,for the common man. They also realized the only way to achieve success is by getting to where it matters the most...The TOP! When they took stand at a stage and spoke, you and a million others wanted to listen to what they had to say.Actions needs sacrifice, sacrificing for a greater good.
Have you stood in the crowd and expressed opinions,
it gets lost as noise!
Tiananmen Square,Beijing, 1989, Pro-democracy movement. The entire city block evacuated by the army. One person, labeled by TIME as the "Unknown Rebel", AKA the "Tank Man", stood in front of a battalion of tanks symbolizing what is it the people of China stood for! Were these people destined to be great? Or, they searched for a purpose for their existence. These people to me are men who had chapters written about them in the textbooks we read.
I have opinions about many issues, but all I care about is the lifestyle I have, the money I make, the city I live in, the car I drive, shoes I wear, and the clothes I want to buy. Do I care about people who don't get food,clothes, who sleep in shanties everynight? I want you to think I care..but I don't. Not because I don't want to, but because, I am caught in the big wheel..that turns and turns!
There are millions of people with billions of opinions. Awareness needs momentum. Awareness needs more than a speaker. Awareness needs a leader,and a moral one! Action speaks louder than words. So next time you become aware about something. Think about this....Knowledge without action creates table talk or better...