Monday, July 24, 2006

Wonderful world

Isn't it amazing that millions of years after the first micro-organisms came into being, the age of the dinosaurs that nature choose humans as the most advanced species on this small planet. We have no one to fear but ourseleves. We don't have to depend on lower / less intelligent animals for our survial. We are not designed to be scavengers, hunters. We have developed techniques to utilize everything around us optimally...and so we think, what a wonderful world we are in!

Still in Lebanon, bullets lit the night sky, North Korea still remains a threat, Iran may still produce nuclear power, Usama Bin Laden still plots to kill more in his hideout, Militants still thrive, Bush still has troops in Iraq, East Timor still faces violent clashes, there isn't a sign of peace in northern srilanka?

And I wonder, if nature had not made us as the most advanced species on this earth, would we have avoided the loss of those lives. Maybe, we would have been more pre-occupied, trying to implement Darwin's theories of "survival of the fittest". Maybe, we wouldn't be so outraged if our neighbouring nation tested a missle...maybe!


Blogger Rishit Jain said...

Hey, I think probably today's reality is taking a toll on you in the form of despair. And I agree that it is hard to escape. But as I said earlier, if we ourselves don't change these times, they won't change. So I think it is not a time for despair, but for work.

12:47 AM  
Blogger Ashwin said...

It isnt so much of despair, as it is a mockery! As i read the news everyday, I grow in confidence that, we just won't be able to thrive forever.

Humans are still reactive, not contemplative. We will be replaced.

As far as work is concerned, we have tried! There are over 160 nations that watch rubbish happening on the news everyday, statistics keep growing of how we are dumping waste into nature. and what do we do? Go back to work :), I call that a mockery of the intelligence!

12:58 AM  
Blogger Rishit Jain said...

Humans will evolve. And as far as working is concerned, I am not talking about the routine work, of course it is important for development, but I am talking about work that will act as a solution to the given problem. The issue is that nobody has yet found what should he do so that he can make all the problems of the world go away. Probably, some of them have found it but they are not implementing their plan for various reasons, viz. it is too difficult, they fear failure, they want to do their own thing, they want somebody else to do it for them, etc.

I have a fair idea of how these problems can be solved, and am working on my plan.

6:23 AM  
Blogger chitra said...

I think the mantra is still "Survival of the fittest"! That is the eason each country is trying to outsmart the other in developing an advansed missile.

all the more, when the resourses are limited, this becomes more and more evident. Except for oil, I didnt find any other reason for US attacking Iraq.

3:09 AM  

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